Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy
Psychotherapy is a way to begin to understand yourself better and help you 'get out of your own way' towards a happier life. Through a collaborative approach, I can help you sort out your feelings to better understand and resolve challenges in your life. Such concerns can include depression, anxiety, divorce, grief, trauma, fear, panic attacks and relationship issues.
Family Therapy
Family Therapy
Family therapy is used to explore family of origin and intergenerational issues, foster open communication and create and maintain growth in relationships. This work helps people overcome traumatic events, reestablish healthy attachments, and restore the connections, security, and trust essential to fulfilling lives. Life is about navigating transitions and family therapy can help ease this process.
Launching and Letting Go
Launching and Letting Go
Increasingly, young twentysomethngs are finding it difficult to maneuver the change to adulthood. Becoming independent can be a scary proposition for many, and there are lots of reasons for this. Some face financial struggles, preventing them from becoming independent. Others, however, are not emotionally mature enough to move into an adult role. Many young adults who are unable to fully individuate struggle with mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, mood disorders. A combination of individual therapy and family support and education is crucial to provide boundaries and support for the young adult to flourish.
Workshops and Education
Workshops and Education
I also provide workshops on different topics related to mental health. I can tailor a workshop to meet your organization's needs. Please contact me for more information.
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